Kleinman Center for Energy Policy

California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Danny Cullenward (2024)

One Earth

Carbon offsets are incompatible with the Paris Agreement

Danny Cullenward et al. (2023)

Global Change Biology

Systematic over-crediting in California’s forest carbon offsets program

Grayson Badgley et al. (2022)

Greenhouse gas offsets distort the effect of clean energy tax credits in the United States
Emily Grubert et al. (2025), Environmental Research: Energy

Funding forests' climate potential without carbon offsets
Libby Blanchard et al. (2024), One Earth

A framework for assessing the climate value of temporary carbon storage
Danny Cullenward (2023), Carbon Market Watch

Using remote sensing to quantify the additional climate benefits of California forest carbon offset projects
Shane Coffield et al. (2022), Global Change Biology

The science needed for robust, scalable, and credible nature-based climate solutions for the United States
Kim Novick et al. (2022), AmeriFlux Workshop Report

Verification Confidence Levels for carbon dioxide removal
Freya Chay et al. (2022), CarbonPlan

Barriers to scaling the long-duration carbon removal industry
Na’im Merchant et al. (2022), CarbonPlan

California’s forest carbon offsets buffer pool is severely undercapitalized
Grayson Badgley et al. (2022), Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

Zombies on the blockchain
Grayson Badgley & Danny Cullenward (2022), CarbonPlan

Climate risks to carbon sequestration in U.S. forests
William R.L. Anderegg, Oriana Chegwidden et al. (2022), Ecology Letters

Fire, forests, and greenhouse gas inventories in California
Oriana Chegwidden et al. (2022), CarbonPlan

Unpacking ton-year accounting
Freya Chay et al. (2022), CarbonPlan

A buyer’s guide to soil carbon offsets
Jane Zelikova et al. (2021), CarbonPlan

Accounting for the Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity of Regional Electricity Transfers
Gregory Von Wald et al. (2021), Environmental Science & Technology

Depth matters for soil carbon accounting
Eric Slessarev et al. (2021), CarbonPlan

CDR Primer (contributing author and editor)
Jennifer Wilcox et al. (2021)

Analyzing California’s framework for estimating greenhouse gas emissions associated with retail electricity sales
Gregory Von Wald et al. (2021), Electricity Journal

Managing uncertainty in carbon offsets: Insights from California’s standardized approach
Barbara Haya et al. (2020), Climate Policy

Climate-driven risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests
William R.L. Anderegg et al. (2020), Science

An open-source model of the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade programme with supply-demand scenarios to 2030
Mason Inman et al. (2020), Climate Policy

Assessing California’s progress toward its 2020 greenhouse gas emissions limit
Michael D. Mastrandrea et al. (2020), Energy Policy

Tracking banking in the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade program
Danny Cullenward et al. (2019), Environmental Research Letters

For insights into climate policy, look to practice—not just theory
Danny Cullenward (2019), One Earth

The quiet undoing: How regional electricity market reforms threaten state clean energy goals
Danny Cullenward & Shelley Welton (2018), Yale Journal on Regulation Bulletin

California’s Foreign Climate Policy
Danny Cullenward (2017), Global Summitry

Prove Paris was more than paper promises
David G. Victor et al. (2017), Nature

State Constitutional Limitations on the Future of California’s Carbon Market
Andy Coghlan & Danny Cullenward (2016), Energy Law Journal

Structural oversupply and credibility in California’s carbon market
Danny Cullenward & Andy Coghlan (2016), Electricity Journal

Dynamically Estimating the Distributional Impacts of U.S. Climate Policy with NEMS:
A Case Study of the Climate Protection Act of 2013

Danny Cullenward et al. (2016), Energy Economics

A Critique of Saunders’ ‘Historical Evidence for Energy Efficiency Rebound in 30 US Sectors’
Danny Cullenward & Jonathan G. Koomey (2016), Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Carbon Offsets in California: Science in the Policy Development Process
Barbara Haya et al. (2016), Communicating Climate Change and Natural-Hazard Risk

Peak Electricity and the Clean Power Plan
Michael Wara et al. (2015), Electricity Journal

The Limits of Administrative Law as Regulatory Oversight in Linked Carbon Markets
Danny Cullenward (2015), UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy

Leakage in California’s carbon market
Danny Cullenward (2014), Electricity Journal

How California’s carbon market actually works
Danny Cullenward (2014), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Carbon markets: Effective climate policy?
Danny Cullenward & Michael Wara (2014), Science

Science advocacy and the legal system: Is lifecycle assessment unconstitutional?
Danny Cullenward & David Weiskopf (2014), New Trends in Earth-Science Outreach and Engagement

End use technology choice in the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS):
An analysis of the residential and commercial buildings sectors

Jordan T. Wilkerson et al. (2013), Energy Economics

Psychohistory revisited: Fundamental issues in forecasting climate futures
Danny Cullenward et al. (2011), Climatic Change

Carbon Trading, Taxes, and Offsets
Danny Cullenward (2010), Climate Change Science and Policy

The Dam Debate and Its Discontents
Danny Cullenward & David G. Victor (2006), Climatic Change