Trump Moves to Dismantle U.S. Climate Rules, Bobby Magill, Climate Central:
The reversal of the plan is likely to be interpreted abroad as the U.S. pulling out of the Paris pact even if it doesn’t do so officially, said Danny Cullenward, a professor [*] of climate change law and economics at Stanford University.
“Politically, it will rightly be recognized as the Trump administration thumbing its nose to the climate problem,” Cullenward said.
Justice Department Moves Swiftly to Back Trump Climate Order, John Upton, Climate Central:
The professionally drafted climate order and its smooth rollout suggest environmental groups opposing the order face greater obstacles than groups that opposed Trump’s immigration ban.
“This EO [executive order] is much more sophisticated than the immigration EO,” said Danny Cullenward, a Carnegie Institution for Science researcher focused on climate policy. “On its face, it raises no obvious legal concerns.”
Thanks to Bobby and John for reaching out and for their helpful coverage of the massive changes underway in federal policy.
* Note: I am only a Lecturer at Stanford—I will be teaching a class on the ongoing transformation in U.S. environmental law that begins next week and a class on climate law and policy in the fall quarter, but I'm not on the permanent faculty.