Near Zero Research Notes (with Mason Inman and Michael Mastrandrea):
An open-source model of supply and demand in the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade program (Oct. 10, 2018)
Tracking banking in the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade program (Sept. 12, 2018)
Ontario’s exit exacerbates allowance overallocation in the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade program (July 16, 2018)
California’s “self-correcting” cap-and-trade auction mechanism does not eliminate market overallocation (May 23, 2018)
Ready, fire, aim: ARB’s overallocation report misses its target (May 7, 2018)
Implementing AB 398: ARB’s initial market design and “allowance pool” concepts (Mar. 16, 2018)
Interpreting AB 398’s carbon offsets limits (Mar. 15, 2018).
Removing excess cap-and-trade allowances will reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Jan. 1, 2018)
California’s climate emissions are falling, but cap-and-trade is not the cause (Nov. 10, 2017)